Harmonic Distortion Measurement of S3331 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
Release time :2021.03.14 Reading quantity:486 source:Salukirf, original

Saluki S3331 handheld spectrum analyzer is designed for field use. It has a low weight, compact structure and a good performance. S3331 spectrum analyzer has many functions, including continuous signal measurement, N dB bandwidth measurement, channel power measurement, occupied bandwidth measurement, weak signal capture, harmonic distortion measurement, etc.. In this section, we mainly show  the operation of  harmonic distortion measurement.

Fig.1 Saluki S3331 handheld spectrum analyzer

Following example uses a signal generator and generates a 300MHz, -10dBm continuous signal.



1) Connect the signal generator output port to S3331 RF test port.

2) Press [Preset] key to return the instrument to default status. 

3) Set test frequency:

l Press [FREQ] key

l Select [Start FREQ] and input 200MHz

l Select [Stop FREQ] and input 1GHz

The trace will be displayed as shown in the figure below. There are 3 peaks, signal, the second harmonic and the third harmonic.

4) Use [Peak] and [Marker] keys to do the analyze. 

l Press [Peak] key, S3331 will search the MAX value and mark it with a marker 1. In this example, the marker 1 is located at 300MHz and -10dBm signal which is the input signal.

l Press [Marker] key

l Select [Delta], a Marker 2 is activated and it is a Delta marker, the reference marker is Marker 1.

l Press [Peak] key. Then Marker 2 will be located to the second harmonic. Read out the frequency and amplitude difference.

l Press [Peak] key and select [Next Peak], then marker 2 will move to the third harmonic. Read out the frequency and amplitude difference.

Fig.2 Harmonic distortion measurement